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=== "tab 1"
    content of tab 1
=== "tab 2"
    content of tab 2

content of tab 1

content of tab 2

Flowcharts and Diagrams


abstract, bug, danger, example, info, note, question, quote, success, tip, warning.


content always displayed

Content always displayed
Use "customized title" to give a title to the admonition
Use !!! to start an admonition

content hidden by default and need to click on the title bar to open

Use ??? to start an admonition

content displayed by default and can click on the title bar to hide

Use ???+ to start an admonition


Search for an icon

MkDocs-material Search for an icon

Icons with .md

# to use mkdocs-material library of icons (md)
  - attr_list
  - pymdownx.emoji:
      emoji_index: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.twemoji
      emoji_generator: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.to_svg

Icons with .html


Differences syntax for icon in md and in html:

The icon is achieved in .md

The icon :material-flask-outline: is achieved in .md

The icon is achieved in .html

The icon <i class="mdi mdi-flask-outline"></i> is achieved in .html


html mdi mdi-folder-download/ md :material-folder-download:
html / md
html / md
html / md
html / md
Using in a button
Download the template .zip html / Download the template .zip md



See the discussion at discussions/3984

Google Drive

In the .md file, attn to the src syntax ending 'preview' for googledrive
<div class='video-container'> <!--(1)!-->
  <iframe src='[FILE_ID]/preview' allowfullscreen></iframe>

  1. /file/d/[FILE_ID]/preview

css for the video frame
.video-container {
    position: relative; /* allows the iframe element inside it to be positioned relative to this container. */
    width: 100%; /* makes the container take up 100% of the width of its parent element */
    padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 aspect ratio */
    height: 0; /*  height set to 0 because padding is used to define the aspect ratio of the container */
    overflow: hidden; /* ensures that the iframe content doesn't spill out of the container */
    max-width: 100%; /* ensures the container doesn't grow larger than its parent element, maintaining responsive behavior. */
    background: #000; /* placeholder color before the video loads */
.video-container iframe {
    position: absolute; /* sets the position of the iframe to absolute, so it will be positioned relative 
        to the nearest positioned ancestor (in this case, .video-container which is set to relative above) */
    top: 0; /* positions the top edge of the iframe at the top of the container*/
    left: 0; /* positions the left edge of the iframe at the left of the container */
    width: 100%; /* makes the iframe take up 100% of the width of the container */
    height: 100%; /* makes the iframe take up 100% of the height of the container. */
    border: 0; /* removes any default border that might be applied to the iframe */
The Working Solution, responsive: iframe in div with css:

The Working Solution, responsive: `iframe in div with css`:  
<div class='video-container'> <!--(1)!-->
  <iframe src='' allowfullscreen></iframe>
  1. add /embed/ to the code

The Working Solution, responsive: iframe in div with css:


embedding pdf
<iframe src='../assets/pdf/poster_mi24_final.pdf' width=100% height=700px>This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: <a href='../assets/pdf/poster_mi24_final.pdf'>Download PDF</a>