Setting up the page¶
custom css
custom js (/docs/js/custom.js
override, see Customization settings
replace with your email in 2 places
Replace the placeholder with your own email in 2 places. Click on the signs in the code below
- icon: fontawesome/solid/paper-plane
link: #(1)!
- Replace with your email
- Replace with your email
Basic MkDocs commands¶
mkdocs -h
- Print help message.mkdocs build
- Build the documentation site.mkdocs serve
- Start the live-reloading docs server.mkdocs gh-deploy
- Deploy the documents from github page.
for automatic deployment using githubaction
- View the documentation on Publishing your site with GitHub Actions
Search function¶
documentation: Setting up site search
MkDocs-material Setting up site search
- search
- search.sidebar
- search.suggest
- search.highlight
- search.share
# the below is not used in this project
plugins: # if plugins off, search still works with the feature settings above
- search # must be on if plugins on
Theme, color, font, and mode¶
Custom CSS¶
and more Customization settings.
Changing the color¶
HAMK branding and themes¶
HAMK documentation
1 hamkin-brandi
2 mediapankki
3 hamk-renewed-its-brand
4 hamk.mediaflowportal
HAMK colors¶
MkDocs-material Changing the colors and MkDocs root css color variables
HAMK dark blue = HEX #003755 = rgb(0, 55, 85)
HAMK pink = HEX #7300F0 = rgb(115, 0, 240)
HAMK light pink = HEX #D7AFFF = rgb(215, 175, 255)
HAMK logo & favicon¶
MkDocs-material Changing the logo and icons
HAMK logo (white on transparent) used as logo and favicon.
Other HAMK logo, black on transparent
Logo and Favicon:
name: material
logo: assets/logo_light_pink.png # or logo_white.png
favicon: assets/favicon/favicon.png
HAMK fonts¶
MkDocs-material Changing the fonts
Customizing: h elements (TT Rounds Neue DemiBold) vs body (Inter).
CSS settings for font families (from the HAMKin brandi page)
:root { /* from the hamkin-brandi page, together with guidance in the .pptx file */
--font-family-sans: 'Inter', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
--font-family-serif: 'TT Rounds Neue DemiBold', 'Arial Rounded MT', serif;
@font-face {/* adapted from the HAMK font .zip file */
font-family: 'TT Rounds Neue DemiBold';
src: url('../assets/fonts/tt_rounds_neue_demibold-webfont.woff2') format('woff2'),
url('../assets/fonts/tt_rounds_neue_demibold-webfont.woff') format('woff');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {/* from the HAMK font .zip file. The Condensed (Narrowed) is not used */
font-family: 'TT Rounds Neue Condensed DemiBold';
src: url('../assets/fonts/tt_rounds_neue_condensed_demibold-webfont.woff2') format('woff2'),
url('../assets/fonts/tt_rounds_neue_condensed_demibold-webfont.woff') format('woff');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
Dark mode as default¶
MkDocs-material Color palette toggle
To set dark mode as default:
put - scheme: slate as the 1st scheme in palette (when the user first visits our site, the media queries are evaluated in the order of their definition.)
- Permalink (
) inserts an anchor link with the symbol ¶ at the end of each headline, directly link to a subpart of the document, for easy sharing.